Neil Armstrong’s Family Opened Up About His Struggles After Returning From The Moon

Almost everyone has heard the name Neil Armstrong. It's undisputed that he is among the best-known figures of the 20th century. He was, after all, the first human being to set foot on our Moon. This achievement brought Armstrong international fame and adoration. But did it bring happiness? Just as there is a dark side of the Moon, it turns out that the experience of traveling beyond Earth's atmosphere cast a dark shadow over Armstrong's life. Years later, his family shed light on the toll the moon landing took on his spirit.

Born to do great things

It's a wonder if a young Armstrong ever considered how he'd feel about achieving his wildest dreams. Born in 1930 in Wapakoneta, Ohio, Neil Alden Armstrong was the first child to his parents, Stephen and Viola. But did they have any inkling of how far their firstborn would go? Not at the time.

Passions in unlikely places

Stephen Armstrong was a local government auditor. His work necessitated no fewer than 16 moves in the first 14 years of Neil’s life, uprooting the entire family, including his little sister June and brother Dean. Undoubtedly, it was an unstable period, but thankfully, it did come with one major upside. Amid all the to-ing and fro-ing, young Armstrong developed a fondness for flying from the tender age of two.

All aboard the “Tin Goose”

And that fondness didn't stop at passenger flights, either. A visit to the Cleveland Air Races sparked even further passion in the young Armstrong. And his interest was reinforced yet again when his father took him on his first flight at the age of six. This momentous event happened in Warren, Ohio, aboard a “Tin Goose,” as the Ford Trimotor was nicknamed.

Flying solo

After much upheaval, Armstrong’s family finally settled down in 1944 right back where they’d started over in Wapakoneta. There, Armstrong went to Blume High School. He also started flying lessons and was up in the air flying solo by the time he was just 16. It's a fact that becomes all the more impressive when you consider that he hadn’t even earned his driver’s license by that time! What's more, he also found time to become an Eagle Scout.